The vision

Dear Reader,

2018 marked the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. We changed our names. We extended our scope of activities. We now look at ourselves and at the world with a different perspective. As Wavemaker, we are placing significant importance on the success of our partners in the realms of content and technology as well as media. We believe that the future belongs to those who shape it.

On the first day of our shared future, my colleagues and I discussed what we want our profession to be like by 2035. This brainstorming is what gave birth to the vision you are about to read on the following pages. This is not simply a company vision, but a desired image of a profession that we are working towards every day.

This is the vision that inspired the author of the short story. I hope you find it interesting enough to engage in conversation with us.

Let us create the future together!

Best regards,
János Gulyás
CEO, Wavemaker